Black Cohosh Root Tea

Designation: Ethically Wildcrafted
Item Order #: T207

Quick Overview

Native Americans called Black Cohosh "squaw root," suggesting a rich tradition of use in the maintenance of female reproductive health.

Associated with the rich deciduous forests of eastern North America, Black Cohosh is a member of the butter-cup family and has an earthy flavour. Its name is derived from an Algonquin word associated with pregnancy. Today it is widely used in domestic practice for women.

Black Cohosh Root Tea

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Black Cohosh Root Tea Bags

Wildcrafted Black Cohosh Root (Cimicifuga racemosa)

The above herbs have been harvested from wild (uncultivated) areas and randomly harvested to ensure natural species regeneration.

• Good water is an essential part of brewing a great cup of tea. We recommend using spring or filtered water.
• Be sure to relax! Some of the most enjoyable aspects of tea are the calmness and ritual that surround it.
• If you desire a medicinal tea: This herb has a tough cellular structure and some heat is required to release all of its medicinal properties and flavour. Use one tea bag per cup of hot water in a stainless steel or glass pot, cover, boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 to 20 minutes. This is known as the decoction method. Extra tea can be kept in a covered glass jar for a day or two in the refrigerator.
• If you desire a pleasure tea or quick brew, use one teabag per cup of hot water. Pour boiling water over teabags, cover, and let steep 5 to 7 minutes to taste. Enjoy!

No flavourings, preservatives or sweeteners of any kind.

Additional Information

Item Number T207
Name Black Cohosh Root Tea
Designation Ethically Wildcrafted
UPC Code 6 28240 20207 9
Size 24 Teabags
Manufacturer Celebration Herbals
Organic? No
Certified Organic by NOT ORGANIC
Kosher (pareve)? Yes
Certified Kosher by: KSA