Chickweed Herb

Designation: Absolutely Organic
Item Order #: T121

Quick Overview

A native plant of all temperate and north Arctic regions, Chickweed was said to have naturalized itself wherever the white man has settled. Its popularity with birds probably accounts for its name.
Chickweed has egg shaped leaves with small white star-shaped flowers. The flowers open in the morning and remain facing the sun throughout the day. The leaves approach each other at night so that their upper surfaces protect new shoots. Young leaves of the plants are used in salads. When boiled, it can hardly be distinguished from spring spinach.

Chickweed Herb

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Organic Chickweed Herb (Stellaria media)

The above herbs are organically grown and prepared, ensuring their natural taste and active properties are enjoyed in every cup of tea. Our organic audit trail enables traceability from each box of tea to the field your herbs were grown in.

• Good water is an essential part of brewing a great cup of tea. We recommend using spring or filtered water.
• Be sure to relax! Some of the most enjoyable aspects of tea are the calmness and ritual that surround it.
• This is a delicate herb and is more potent when exposed to high temperatures for a short period of time. So that your tea has its maximum medicinal properties and flavour, be sure that your water is at a rolling boil when you pour it over your teabags.
• If you desire a medicinal tea, be sure to use one tea bag per cup of boiling water, cover and steep for 7-12 minutes. This is known as the infusion method.
• If you desire a pleasure tea or quick brew, use one teabag per cup of hot water. Pour water over teabags, cover, and let steep 3 to 5 minutes to taste. Enjoy!

No flavourings, preservatives or sweeteners of any kind.

Additional Information

Item Number T121
Name Chickweed Herb
Designation Absolutely Organic
UPC Code 6 28240 20121 8
Size 24 Teabags
Manufacturer Celebration Herbals
Organic? Yes
Certified Organic by Pro-Cert
Kosher (pareve)? Yes
Certified Kosher by: KSA